Example of Allah’s Mercy
There are two narration from the Prophet Muhammad [saw], one of them is
good and one of them is more good. There are about ilm ul ghaib, some of the
information of the unseen. That on the day of judgement there are would
be a person whom is being dragged into hell. He is being dragged to hell. The
angles are carrying him away to throw him in the fire. And hell-fire it self.
Will pull back from that person. Hell-fire itself will pull back from that
person and Allah will ask hell, whats wrong with you?
What is wrong with you that you pull back? And hel fire will say, my Lord
he is seeking refuge with you from me, he is seeking refuge in you from me. And
Allah will say, then release my slave! Release my slave and let him go free.
And there will be another person being dragged to hell. About to be
thrown into the fire and this person will say to Allah. My Lord, I never
expected this from You. What a bold statement. And Allah will ask, my slave
[abdi] what did you expect from Me? You did all of this, you commited the sin.
You had the choice, you made the mistakes rhat did you expect from me? And that
person will say, I expected that your mercy could even reach someone like me. I
expected that Your Mercy could even
reach someone like me. And Allaj will say, let my slave go free.
You have understand brother and sisters, Allah created you to live in
Jannah. He created you to reside in paradise. That is what you were created
for. To praise Him endlessly in Jannah. And to get the bounties that he created
you to get. But that choice has now been put in your hands. That choice has now
been made to you. It the choice that you make if you go to hell, you walk into
hell with your eyes wide open.
And if you go To Jannah, it is because you have met a Lord Who is forgiving
and you have sought that forgiveness. And you have done something in this life
to make that forgiveness worthy. So it’s all in your hands, so figure it out
today what you want to do Insya Allah [Ta’ala] with the rest of your life.
Because the rest of your life start right now. I don’t care what you did
yesterday, last week, last month, last year. Today is the beginning of the rest
of your life. If you wanna fix it now, fix it today. Insya Allah [Ta’ala] and
you will find the Rabb Who is Forgiving, Who is Merciful, Who is Loving, Who is
Forbearant, Who is Patient with you. And Who will love to give you Jannah if you only ask him for it.
Example of Allah’s Mercy
Reviewed by Unknown
4:05 PM

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