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Difficulties in life

We have a problem in life. When we have a problem, Allah says “don’t worry, with that difficulty there is easy.” You will never know what ease is all about unless you have been through difficulty. Those who have a beautiful life sometimes thay are still worried and depressed because they don’t know what it is like to have suffered a little bit. So Allah’s blessing, He make’s us suffer slightly so that when there is a little bit of easy, masha’Allah.

You know a man whose always driven a rolls roys will never know what it’s like to ride a bicycle to work. Two way of making him ride, one is the docter tell you you’re about to die, Allahu Akbar and you need to ride to work. Immediatily everything is given up, why? Because were worried about dear life that’s why.
someone with diffficulties in his life
 If you see people, SubhanAllah I’ve seen a man who had a carrot and he was pretending like he’s smoking this carrot and nibbling on it. And I told him I said : my brother, what made you nibble on this carrot? He says my doctor told me I can’t smoke and a good repleacement is a carrot, I said Allahu Akbar, You’re stuffing your mouth with a carrot because of a doctor but when Allah told you smoking is bad...tehn you didn’t want to listen your own Maker said it, Allahu Akbar.May Allah make us from amongs those who eat carrots rather than smoking cigarettes, really...

So my brother and sister, it’s a reality whenever there is a person who...has tasted goodness alone and they don’t know what difficulty is about. There comes a time when they do not apreciate what they have. So like I was saying two ways, one is Allah snatces is away from you, so you now have nothing so many people have climbed the pack in terms of materialistic items and then they’ve dropped down the mountain they say it’s easier to drop from the top, the it is from the bottom.

Allahu Akbar! When your right at the top a small movementand yo roll down. And whene your at the bottom, they can cick you if you drop and stand up again and your walking, same level Masha Allah. It’s all about altitude, may Allah protect us.

Another thing is when you drop from the top greather likely of you breaking more bones. When you drop from the bottom...I might of just hurt my had sligthly, just say ouch and carry on. May Allah swt. protect us and grant us humbleness, so..remember, sometimes Allah wants you to go down so you that you appreciate the bicycle...after you have nothing, yet 10 years ago you had the rolls royce.

May Allah bless us. So Allah says, and I’m sure we know the verses verse number 5 and 6 (surah asy-syarh) :¨

indeed with every difficulty or with difficulty there is ease and indeed with the difficulty there is ease.”(94 :5-6)

Some of the sholars of linguistics they have analized the statement and they say “alurs” is refering to the same difficulty and “yusr” because it is common is referring to a different  point of easy. So this verse would mean that, with difficulty there is ease and with the same difficulty there is another point of ease as well. Which means with every difficulty there are two pints of ease. That’s the mercy of Allah.

May Allah swt elevate the suffering that we are all going through in our own little ways remember it’s a gift of Allah, to keep you in check  sometimes to keep you calling out to him, may Allah open our doors. By Mufti Ismail Menk, ؤبركلت «! ؤسًلمُ عايكُم ؤرحمتُ
Difficulties in life Difficulties in life Reviewed by Unknown on 11:14 PM Rating: 5

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