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The Secret Of Knowlede

The purpose behind knowledge is what can we act upon...and that exactly what Abdullah ibn Masood [ra] to’Ilmu at-taqwa [knowledge is taqwa]. Taqwa is someething that is usually apparent..or it has clear reflect on our action and attitudes...the point, Abdullah ibn Masood [ra] was making here is that real knowledge, beneficial knowledge is that wich reflects on how you are.

That’s why learning according to the scholars to the Islam is not storing information as the majority of the students of knowledge do today. Because knowledge without being digested without being processed and personalised could bring about a negatife effect.
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Muslimah Student
And that secret behind the companions, learning five verses. Verses each time. Learning the knowledge there in. And acting in the knowledge, and after the have completed this. They move on to another verses. That’s the way,they used to the study Islam. And that’s  why they learnt and that’s why they excelled. So Abdullah ibn Masood [ra] was pointing to ths fact. That real knowledge is what reflect on your actions and this is why in the field of educations today. They say learning is being...learning is being.

That means if  the knowledge that you learn or the knowledge you acquire, if you don’t procces it, if you don’t break it down. And personalized it, and it becomes part of who you are. If it doesn’t mix with your blood and you flesh. You haven’t learn anything.

You have just stored information, you’re just like any other book on the shelf. Or on the computer that stored so many books  and data. But that’s not what knowledge is all about, knowledge is  about acting [upon it]. And that’s defenition that’s the sholars give to al-Huda. [Al-Huda Wa Deen ul-Haq]. When Allah [swt] says that He sent his prophet [saw] with al-Huda Wa Deen ul-Haq. Huda [the quidence] the scholars say that’s beneficial knowledge that has the potential to change your behavour, to change who you are, to change your ways in acting. Wa Deen ul-Haq is the actual acting in knowledge.

So f you learn something and you don’t ultimately you don’t act upon doesn’t change you. It’s doesn’t make you different person in a sense. Then in brid you’ve wasted you time because you will be questioned about that time. And you will be questioned about that knowledge, what did you do with it?.

That’s why the Prophet Muhammad [saw] ‘seek refuge in Allah everyday! Every morning he used to say ‘Oh Allah I seek your protectons and I seek refuge in you from knowledge that is not beneficial. That means knowledge that will not reflect on me. Knowledge will not make me better. 

The Secret Of Knowlede by Syaikh Moutasem al-HameedeMay Allah Glorified and exalted be He grant that to us! (Ameen).
The Secret Of Knowlede The Secret Of Knowlede Reviewed by Unknown on 11:38 PM Rating: 5

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