Thinking With Your Heart
Now lets talk a little bit about what does it mean to have a heart and not think with it, becase
you would thinkbrains think. Why is Allah saying hearts thinks? And Fiqh is
deep understanding, because Allah says revelation, ayat, faith, it lies inside
the heart.
So when I walk down the street and maybe I’m walking down the street with
a geologist or a botanist, somebody who studies plants. They can tell me
the species of the tree the can tell me
how old a tree is. They can tell me what
the best environment is to grow this tree to it’s optimal span or
it’s about to die or whatever. They can tell me all this stuff about this tree. I don’t know
any of that stuff, I don’t study botany, I don’t know any of that stuff. But I
can tell you, if I look at the same tree from my heart not from my brain alone,
from my heart.
I am reminded that Allah brings life out of death because this tree at
one point was just a seed. And Allah brought good out of it, Allah brought life
out of it. So I am reminded of my own
mortality when I see a tree.
A scientist can look at the sky and tell me a lot of things. I can look at the sky and just find
humility. I can just look at the sky and just say, Allah [azzawajal] says, do
you see any cracks up in tree?
In other words you can look at the
world around you, from a scientific
lens. You know from a sceptic lens, you can look at it from it’s just scenery
passing you by , but if you look at the world around you rith your heart. Then
you’ll see something else you will se what
other people don’t see.
I will give you an experiment I did
my self you try this experiment yourself. I’m going down the highway and you
know the Qur’an’s view is that
everything that you see phisically in the world around you can turn into a
spiritual reminder. Everything is an ayah. Ok let’s put that to the test. So I
was driving with a bunch of guys to some college program one time and they were speeding, they were going like 90 mph. Before i told them to slow down. Just immediately I said, just
the fact that they are speeding and cutting peole off, I was reminded.
Human beings, you have an inherent
urge to want to rush (Qur’an 75:20). You get a kick out of speed. Allah mention
that in the Qur’an then speeding became a reminder of something Allah says like
how well Allah knos us! (Qur’an 67:14) I started looking out the window and I
see something that reminds me of this
ayah. I see there a cows that are grazing and the car goes by them, and you know any other animal. When
a car goes by a high speed object goes by
it reacts, bird fly off. Lizards go back
into a hole a deer is kind of dumb, it runs into the car. But like a
cow, you know how it reacts? It’s doesn’t, it just stay where it is. It’s fur,
a car whisks by it, maybe two, three feet away from it, right on the grees,
right on the edge, right tree. It’s fur goes ‘frrrr’ like that. You can feel
the wind on its fur and its still just continues to mow just continues to eat
it grass, it doesn’t care.
It is completely oblivious to its
surroundings and then at that very moment I said, oh how Subhan’Allah when
Allah talked about people that are heedless. He compared them to cattle. They
are like cattle. They are even more lost they are the heedless (Qur’an 7:179).
They are like cattle. They are even more lost they are the heedless (Qur’an 7:179).
What could be a bigger example of
heedlessness than cattle? Allah didn’t even compare it to any other animal.
Becase other animal react other animals
have sharp reflexes, cattle don’t. Even that became a reminder, now we are
driving and I see a billboard. It was a billboard about the..about buying a
home. Right so it’s got a picture of a house there’s a family, they’re huging
each other. It’s says, own the american dream you know and I look at that and I
said Subhan’Allah.
First Ayah that came into my head. He used to be happy with his
family (Qur’an 84:13). Another ayah came into my head. The home thats you love
to have, if they are more belove to you than Allah and his massenger and
struggling in their path (Qur’an 9:24).
Subhan’Allah, everything can become
an ayah. Not a thing arorund you won’t
be everything will be. This is if you
have heart that seeks to think.
Ourthanks To Who Amazing Reminder,Nouman Ali Khan. May Allah Glorified
And Exalted Be He Grant That To Us. Ameen.
Thinking With Your Heart
Reviewed by Unknown
5:05 PM

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