Abdullah Ibn Hudhaifah Story Of A Real Muslim
In battle with Romans some muslim were taken as prisoners of war [pow]. So, the roman king, when he hear that
one of them was sahaabi he was so happy. He said “bring me, I want to meet him.
The sahaaba by now so many legends were surrounding them and news going around
the globe. About these special men a sahaaba of Rasulullah [saw] so they were
just fascinated, they just wanted to see a sahaabi. So the Roman King said, “bring
him to me.”
Because these sahabaa one counts them as an ummah. One man is equal to an
ummah. That was the product that Rasulullah [saw] left behind. So they brought
Abdullah bin Hudhaifah and this Roman King now he is thinkin and he is thingking
about how to make use, to capitalized on a sahaabi.
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So he said, “I want you to marry my daughter. Apparently he wanted, he use
to think there is special genes of sahaaba. He wants that to be carried down
in the line, by merrying him to his
daughter. So this is the daughter of a roman king. She is going to marry this
sahaaba. Their children are going to e a superman. But he set a condition that
he became a cristian. So he sai “I want.” He said, “listen, you marry my
daughter and I will give you a half of my kingdom.” What did he say?
“I’ll give you half of my kingdom, become a cristian.” Sayyidina Abdullah
said “Laa (no)” the king he was suprised. He said “I’m giving you half of my
kingdom, he saying no. He said ok, he
said look “if you don’t become cristian I’m Going to kill You!” then he said to
him “what do you think?” would you
become cristian?. He said “Laa (no)”, He said no.
Then the king he got agitated he said, “look, I’ve offered him what I
have, his saying no. I’m threatening him and my threats are not standing my
threats, have no weight they have no power in front of him. His repliying my
threat with a strong wrong; said Laa. So then what happened next? And Sayyidina
Abdullah had gone in an army and the whole army was captured.
There was a battle and this day was against them, they were all captured.
So he said “look, he called one of the other captives from amongst the muslims”,
the king did. And he called for a pot of boiling water, they would fill it with
oil and they would just set fire to it and the oil would boil. Imagine that oil
smokes coming out of it. Because they
set it to fire for so long it was boiling. And they bring a muslim and they
throw him in that boiling oil.
The narrator said, “it wasn’t very long after that muslim was thrown in
the boiling oil that his bones started to sticken out.” It is so hot that his
flesh was fried the bone came out.
That is wha happened to this muslim prisoner of war and that was occuring
infront of the eyes of Abdullah ibn Hudhaifah. So the king told him “are you
going to give up your religion now?” otherwise we are going to throw you in
that boiling oil. He said, “I’m not going to give up my religion.” The king
said to his servants, he said “take him” they took him and his walking towards
the pot.
With the servants of the king and Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Hudhaifah begans
to cry and the king see’s that and he says, stop bring him back. They bouht him
to the king and the king said is it because of a wife that you yearn towards
you, you began to cry? Or is it because you see that you’ll be parting your
children, very soon? Is it because of a land that you remember? Is it because
of the preciousness of your life that you began to cry?
Abdullah said, don’t think that I cried because of fear of death but the
reason I cried, because I remember I only have one soul and my soul is going to
leave now. So the reason I cried is because I wanted Allah to give me hundred
souls so that I could die this
death hundred time for the sake of Allah” I wasn’t crying because I
was affraid of death, I was crying because
I wanted to die as a shaheed hundred times.
In anither narrations he said, I wanted to have souls as the number as
hair that I have on my skin so that I could give them for the ake of Allah one after another, I
think thats the level of iman we cant even comprehend.
Allahu akbar and that tells you brothers and sisters, this religion is
not a religion of talk, its not a religion of showing off how much knowledge you have. This religion
is about your willingness to sacrifice for Allah (by IMAM ANWAR AL AWLAKI).
You know when the king heard this, he became the captive and sayyidina
Abdullah ibn Hudhaifah became the king. You know why? Because of that imaan
that was pumping in his heart. The imaan that was pumping in his heart. Made him
a king and man the king a captive slave.
The king was shocked, he was bafled he was gobsmacked and he just falls
back. He didn’t know what to say. He said to sayyedina Abdullah ibn Hudhaifah
[RA], he said to him ‘would you come and kiss my forehead and then I will free
you? sayyedina Abdullah ibn Hudhaifah said, I’m not going to become free all
alone I’m not bothered about my self if
your offering to free me. Then you have to free all of the muslim who you have taken in.
You know this this makes sayyidina Abdullah ibn Hudhaifah even more
magnificent in the eyes of that king. This man I bribed him, I’ve thretened him
I showed him how his brother was. You know thrown him into that pot and now I’m
freeing him and he doesn’t want to be freed, freed alone. His thinking about
all the people with him. You know he wanted to get out something of Abdullah
ibn Hudhaifah he could kill him. But he felt that his pride was insulted the king said “I agree.” Abdullah
ibn Hudhaifah kissed him and he got all of the muslims free.
Abdullah ibn Hudhaifah goes back to Madinah, Umar ibn khattab hears the
story, he goes to the masjid. Abdullah ibn Hudhaifah is there all of the muslims are their. He stands up, Umar
ibn Khattab said, it is an obligation on every muslim to kiss the forehead of abdullah
ibn Hudhaifah and I am going to be the first and he kissed the forehead of
Abdullah ibn Hudhaifah because he saved the muslims. He saved the muslim
prisoners of war.
Abdullah Ibn Hudhaifah Story Of A Real Muslim
Reviewed by Unknown
5:52 AM

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