Secret Sins By Syeikh Bilal Assad
Then the angels will call to the believers, so the angels grab them as
well, and they come to Allah swt. in a hadith it says ... that Allah will say
to them come closer. He will say : “my servant come closer to me.” There are
some special servant whom Allah swt will say to them : “come closer to me” that
servant keep coming closer and closer and closer untill finally the “light”
covers him, the hijab covers him. An there is between him and Allah will veil
the different type of veil.
No angel can hear or see (through it) only between him and Allah. Allah speaks
to them, in a speech. Allah’s speech... we know that Allah [swt] has a speech,
He told us this in hadith and Qur’an, He speak He has a speech. But we don’t
know what this speech is like there is nothing like Him. And He hears and see’s
all things.
Just like he say’s he hears and see’s ... he speaks but how does He hear,
no like us. In a manner that befits him, He knows [swt] we accept it as it is
and Allah says to him. My servants look at my record...and he see’s...sins.
Allah say’s to him : didn’t you know that you did this sin and I could
see you? He did in secret and I could see you. Didn’t you know this day would come? Didn’t you know today I will
question you?... didn’t you know? And he will say..,my lord I did ... and Allah
[swt] will say to him: why did you do it? Finally the servant will say, oh my
Lord ..for you to throw me into hellfireis easier than to judge me with me
standing before you, with this sin.
So then he looks at the next page.. he see’s anothe sin worse than another
one...same thing happen than he looks.. worse sin.. sins keep growing! And this
poor believer is sitting there saying my Lord... and the end he says, I’m
actually going to hellfire. My did’s havent been accepted.. I’ve done all these
wrong deeds and thats why my good deeds have been invalid.
So when he is certain that he’s gonna end up in hellfire, Allah say’s to
him : my servant you know how you kept it a secret in the former life. He says
yes, Allah says why did you keep it a secret?...he says because I was
ashamed... with my sin my Lord.
Allah says, don’t you see I kept it a secret in the former life? I didn’t
expose you.. and that was part of my Mercy. And today, I will keep it a secret,
I will not expose it.
And in another hadith, Allah [swt] says to some of them you knew a fault
of your brother and you covered it, today I will cover yours. He turns to the page and He see’s his first
good deed. Then he turns and see’s a better deed and his deeds keep growing. Then
he turns back and the recors are empty. The records are empty of his sins the
angels don’t know, it’s wiped off. The sins will be forgoteen.
Secret Sins By Syeikh Bilal Assad
Reviewed by Unknown
12:21 PM

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