4 Promises Of Satan
Shaytaan promises Allah [swt] four things.
Promises one is “I will
lead them astray”
Look at the
majority of humanity today, instead of becoming the servants of rahmaan, they
are the wervant of syaitaan.
Promises two “I will give them
fals passion and desires”
And Subhanallah you
can broadly define fals passion and desires into two.
One are your carnal
desires, your desires for the flesh. And you look at our society, so it has
succumbed to the wish of shaitaan. Really, you look into aour society today,
and it is a sex driven society, it is a sex mad society. That a society
promotes sex as long as you have safe sex. Because according to them, it’s a
phisical thing you carry on while Islamically it’s a spiritual things. When a
husband come to his wife, he recite’s dua’s and Allah [swt] safequard that
child. And the ulama write that is the first right of the child, because this
is a spiritual thing and you look at our society today, that by if the age of
sixteen you haven’t broken your
virginity, there’s something wrong with you. And this is why out of that seven
people whowill be under the shade of Allah [swt] on the day of judgement will
be that young man. Who grew up in the worship of Allah [swt] he will be under
the shade of Allah [swt] so the first from is your carnal desire. “I will give
them until their carnal desires.”

Promises three “I will
command them and they will slit the ear of cattle” what the mushrikeen would do
is that they would slit he ear and they would slit the animal and they will let
on the name of their Gods, and they would let it walk and whereever it fell,
then it was halal for the males and haraam for the woman. This is what they
would do, the author of tafsir Al-Mazhari mentions that this means, this means,
that a time will come where shaytaan will tel man to disfigure the creation of
Allah [swt]. and you see those today, really you look into our society, a
consumer society, where they try to create chickens without feathers. They try
to create chickens without feathers.
Where recently in
the Switzerland they found a fruit fly and from the fruit fly. They found a gene
wich they dubbed eyeless and when they noted that where ever they injected this
gene, an eye would grow and they injected his gene on fourteen pleaces in this
dragon on this fruit fly, and on fourteen places on the anatomy of that fruit
fly eyes grew, see this is man playing God. Playing with the creations of
Allah, but it doesn’n stop there, you look at those who reach the pinnacle of
succes, really.
look at those,
people who reach the pinnacle of succes those like Michael Jackson. You know
that guy with the good looking person a few years ago, but the reaches the
pinnacle of succes and then is deluded by the dunya, he even thinks that there
must be some more contentment out there, but then they realize that the only
contentment is the contentmentof the heart. The only time when you can really
have contentment is when you really have contentment is when you recognize your
Creator and then what does he do, he start playing around with his features, he
start disfiguring his features. And now you look the way, the guy doesn’t even
look like a human being. Because this is what syaitaan said ‘I will command
them and they will change, disfigure the creation of Allah [swt]’
Promises four, “I will
command them and they will change the creation of Allah”
Subhanallah, you
know the traditional interpretation for yhis verse was to shave the beard, which would change
the creation of Allah, because this was a sign of a man to pluck the eyebrows,
was a sign of changing the creation of
Allah [swt]. but because the book of Allah [swt] transendence time and space,
it is relevant for all the time. For it is quidance until the final day. Today it is relates to
your GM foods. This is changing the normal process, changing the crations of
Allah [swt]. this is changing the normal
process, changing the creations of Allah [swt]. see when they take the anti freeze
gene from the arctic fish and they inject it into your tomatoes so they
have the longer shelf lives. This is
play with the creations of Allah [swt]. because believe me or not, fish don’t
have relationshi with the tomatoes, it’s doesn’t work like that. This is GM
food. You’re playing with the creation of Allah[swt]. and look what could be a
greater change in the creation of Allah [swt]. what could be a greater change
in the creation of Allah [swt]? that man transform into a woman and a woman
transform into a man. And this was a fourth promise of satan and you see coming
partsof it today. What greater change could there be that a man become a woman
and a women become man? And syaitaan
sais “I will comman them and they will change the creations of Allah [swt].”
and then the prophet [saw] said ‘hold on to the book of Allah [swt] and the
book of Allah [swt] is a hukm between you. It is a thing wich passes verdict
between you. The Porphet [saw] articulated this 1400 years ago. That when a
muslims think that their honor lies somewhere else, then Allah will disgrace
them. Look at the sahabaa [ra], these were a grup of people, who were regarded by
the rest humanity as As fala saafilieen, and then the prohet [saw] came and transfomed
these people, he brought a impetus, he brought a drive and this was Islam. And then
these very people who were regarded as the
worst of people, became the best of people to walk upon this earth after the
Anbiya [alaihissalatuwasallam]. What was it? It is Islam.
See for other
people, other philosophies will work, for another people other ideologies will
work. But for the muslims nothing besides Islam will work. Because this is the
Ummah regarding Allah [swt] articulates in the Qur’an “that you’re the
best of creation, you’re taken out of mandkind!” now if you think that your
honour lies in some other philosophies or ideologies, you are deluded. The only
time the Muslim has respect were when they hell onto the Deen of Allah [swt] .
Look at history and
then when they turned away from the Deen
of Allah [swt], Allah turned away from them. And this is why find ourselves in
he decadence that we do today. Look at the state of the Muslims and then till
we realize that the problem that we have today is because we have turned away
from Allah [swt] and we go back to the Qur’an and the sunnah, we go back to the
words of the Prophet [saw] and found our remedy but the problem is taht we look
for remedies every where else other than
where we should. And this is why we are in a sick state. Aren’t we sick today? Aren’t
the minds of the youth confused? What shall we hold on to? Aren’t the hearts
sick? Because the society has many impulses. It will tell you and pull you in many directions and then the
more direction you go. The more confused you will be. Do you know what causes
sea sickness? Sea sickness, do you know what causes it? See the ear send the
massage to the brain. That you know when the boat rocks that there is something
wrong. And the eye sends the massage to
the brain. No I see everything is fine. Se you have confusing massage going to
the brain and as a consequence you feel sick you’ll vomit. You’ll feel sick and
this is why today you will find the Musim Ummah is sick because we are pulled
in so many directions, the mind are sick, the heart are sick, the brain are
cunfused and the only thing wich remedies sea sickness is what? That when you
come up to the top deck and you look at something which is totally straight,
totally straight, like the horizon.
Then all the
confusing is removed and similarly there’s only one quidance for us. And Allah
[swt] states this is in the beginning of surah Kahf. All prais be to Allah
[swt] who has revealed on the prophet Muhammad [saw], his servant, a book and
he has left no crockedness in it. And until we return to a book which has no
crockedness, we will remain in the confusing that we find ourselves in today.
May Allah [swt]
make us from amongs those who follow the sunnahs of the Prophet [saw], may
Allah [swt] make us amongst those in time of fitnah, go back to the book of
Allah [swt], may Allah [swt] keep us united in this dunya and may Allah [swt]
reunit us in Jannatulfirdaus
4 Promises Of Satan
Reviewed by Unknown
3:17 PM

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