Amazing Reminders About Jannah, Paradise In Islam A Believer’s Final Abode
Paradise is place wich no imagination can grapsh, no eyes have seen it’s
beauty. A reward for those who believed, a believers final abode.
By Syeikh Salim Al-Amry : Allah [swt] said ‘I have prepared for my
righteous servants what no eye has seen
and no ear has heard, nor has it occurred to the human heart. Thus recite if
you wish . and no soul knows what joy has been kept hidden for them.’
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Anas bin malik [radiyallahu anhu] reported that Allah’s Massenger [saw]
said “in paradise there is a street to which they [in habitants of paradise]
will come every Friday. The north wind will blow and will scatter fragrance on
their faces and on their clothes. This will add to their beauty and loveliness”
By Syeikh Khalid Yasin : ‘verily for the righteous there will be
attainment of security, gardens enclosed and grape vines, companions of equal age and a cup full to the brim’
(An-Naba: 31-34)
“the righteous will be amid gardens and springs. (they will be greeted), ‘enter
here in peace and security. And we shall remove from their hearts any lurking
sense of injury (they will be) brothersfacing each other on thrones. There no
sense of fatique shall touch them, nor
shall they ever be evicted” (Hijr:
“they will reclain on carpets who’s linings will be rich brocade. The fruit
of the gardens will be hanging near. Then wich of the favors of
your Lord will you deny?” (Rahman: 54-55)
Syeikh Yasir Qadhi : ‘as for the righteous, they will be in the midst
of gardens and rivers, in an assembly of truth, in the presence of a
sovereign omnipotent” (surah Al-Qamar: 54-55)
“Allah has promised to believers, man and women. Gardens under which
rivers flow to dwell there in eternally and good homes in gardens of everlasting bliss. But the pleasure of Allah
is greatest. That is the supreme triumph” (Tawbah :72)
Syaikh Bilal Dannoun : the massanger of Allah [saw] said “verily, it i a
river that my Lord, the mighty and majestic, has promised me and it has
abundant goodness. It is a pond where my Ummah will be brought to on the day of
judgement. It is containers are as numerious as the stars in the sky.”
“and [there wil be] companions with beautyful, big, and lustrous eyes,
likened to well-guarded pearls, a reward for what they used to do” (Waqi’ah:
“we have created their companions of
special creation and made them virgins, loving by nature and equal in
age for the companions of thee right hand” (Waqi’ah: 35-38)
The massenger [saw] said “when the inhabitants of paradise enter
paradise, Allah will say to them, ‘do you want Me to give you anything more? They will reply, ‘have you not made our face
bright? Have you not brought
us into paradise and moved us from hell?’
Allah will then removed the veil and they they will feel that they
have not been awarded anything dearer to them than looking at their Lord”
(shahih Muslim)
Syaikh Suhaib Webb : there will be so much space in paradise, the Prophet
[saw] said “there is a three in paradise (which is so big and huge that) if a
rider travels in it’s shade for one hundred years, he would not be able to
cross it” (Bukhari vol.4 no.474)
Our faith in the oneness of Allah will be our ticket to paradise. If we live our lives understanding the shadaqah and
acting upon it by doing good deeds to
please Allah, then we will be with Him in paradise”
By Shaikh Bilal Assad: jannah or jahannam? Only Allah knows where our
eternity will be spent. A muslim must live in hope their good deeds can lead
them to paradise. And fearing Allah’s punishment of the hell fire to prevent us
from committing evil actions.
Let us tae the example of Abu Bakar and Omar [may Allah be pleased with
them] who raced and competed with eachother
in good deeds in order to please Allah. Allah is pleased with those who race to
good deeds for his pleasure.
By Syaikh Said Rageah : the material possessions of the worldy life will not benefit us in entering paradise. Our good
deeds, pure heart and faith in Allah
will be the factor which will grant us
an everlasting abode in paradise.
Syeikh Feiz : the life of this world
is short and the real enjoyment comes in Jannah. We must stive to do
good deeds to obtain a place in pradise. Allah sais in Qur’an “But those who have
faith and work righteousness, they are
companions of the garden, abiding in it eternally” (Al-Baqarah: 82)
Amazing Reminders About Jannah, Paradise In Islam A Believer’s Final Abode
Reviewed by Unknown
4:05 PM

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