Call Out To Allah
Allah, loves you and Allah wants to hear you voice according to Rasool
Allah [saw] 100 times a day, minimum. Rasool Allah [saw], he is advising the
Ummah to make tawbah repentance towards Allah [swt] and this is a quality that is
dead! Or if it’s not dead, it’s very
little and really if you look at your life, ask yourself just how much do I
repent towards Allah [swt]?
Rasool Allah [swt], he says in the authentic hadith. He said : Allah
[swt] stretches his hand during the day so
that the sinners of the night can repent. And then Allah the almighty
stretches His hand during the night so that the siners of the day can repent.
And Allah will continue to stretch His
hand during the day and the night till
the sun rises from the west , meaning the day of judgement.
Allah [swt] my brothers the king, the master, the creator. Yea it’s an
amazing thing, Allah [swt] doesn’t need anyone. Allah doesn’t need anyone.
Don’t ever think brother in your life that your charity, or your salaah or your
little tasbih this does not increase Allah’s greatness. This does not make
Allah better in any way shape or
form in fact Allah [swt] says in hadith
al-Qudsi. He sayd : oh my slaves Allah is calling out, he says : oh My Slaves
not the muslims, anyone and everyone. O my slaves if the first of you till the last of you, meaning from the first
of human being till the last of human being. If all of you human and jinn if
you were all to gather collectivelly and worship me and worship me and worship
me until you all come like the best heart amongst you this does not increase my
greatness. It does not increase Allah’s gratness.
In fact Rasool Allah [saw] yani just to paint the picture that Allah
doesn’t need ou worship. Rasool Allah [saw] was sitting with his sahaba, he says to them ‘I see what you don’t see, and I hear what you don’t
hear’he says to them verily the heaven have squeaked. The heaven the sky the
heaven have squaked. You know when you put a lot of weight on something it’s
make that squeking sound because a lot of pressure is on it. He says : fot by
Allah there isn’t room for 4 finger except there is an angel in prestration towards Allah [swt].
Does Allah need me? Does Allah need the 10 dollars I’m gonna put it in
the box when I walk out? Yet this Allah, rasool Allah [saw] he says
in the authentic hadith, that Alah is Happier. Allah is so happy when
you my brother, when you my sister, when you make tawbah towards Allah [swt]. Rasool Allah [saw] he says in the authentic
hadith imagine look at the example he
gives [saw], he says : imagine there is someone in the desert and he’s riding
on his camel and he has all of his provissions on the camel. And then the men
take some rest and then all of the sudden he loses his camel. What hardship
would this man be going though? Everything my food, my water, my transportation
is one the camel and I lose the camel.
He says [saw] in the authentic hadith : then imagine this man was to take
some rest then all of the sudden he was to see his camel again, how happy would
you become? How happy would you be? He says : Allah is Happier than this man
when you make tawbah to Him.
Call Out To Allah
Reviewed by Unknown
5:10 PM

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