A Very Sad Incident
One incident Allahu Akbar, this is very sad Wallahi I heard this recently
and qasam (I swear) by Allah I cried. This one person he was saying, I
went to one area and I saw one man he
has sittin there holding his head, and
just rubbing it. So he walked passed, I mean he couldn’t identify him as being
a muslims there was no identity of being
a muslim so he said, Uncle are you alright? Is everything is well? Headache
or something? And then he said, what can I tell you son. I am in very very bad
position, I am in a lot of pain so he
said where are you from? So he identified his country and his nationality and it just so happend funny enough their
both from the same town, check that out.
Coincidence, they were both from
the same town. Now I don’t want to mention
country because were not
here to attack personality, nationality
or nothing because were one ummah kick
nationalism to the said, nothing to do
with Islam we are Muslim, one Ummah Muslims.
He walked passed \, and then he satt dawn and said uncle ok, what is your
situation? He said look son I swear, I wish I could explain my pain which I feel I wish I could explain to you the pain which I’m feeling . he said, I came back in 60’s
poor people, we had nothing we had absolutely nothing, Allah [swt] brought me
here I just so happened, I got married here and after I got married I had two
kids. But my concern was I need to build
bank balance. I need to build a house
somewere nice and big. So now what happened is, he said that I struggled and I
worked now I’ve got 11 houses a couple
of shops. He said there is no deficiency in money I have no concern when it comes to money. He said but when did
I wake up and when did realise that I’ve gone too far, and now I need to take a
U turn and come back, when?
Allahu akbar, Allah save us all he mentioned to this person he said now m
condition is such. My daughter have gone, mature age. Their regular activity,
is they go clubbing and so many times I have seen it with my eyes, they have
brought man back into my house, and they had made zina [adultery] in my house.
I swear by Allah, I am not here to
fabricate stories to impress you
I am not here to fabricate you a story
to impress you at all because thisi s sharam for us, sharam! Bt this is the
truth , of what can happenand by this time
he was crying Wallah he was crying so much and then he said to the
youngster, he said that when I said to my daughter he said please have some
shame, your a women!
Have some shame, your respect is being stolen! And their just coming to
their pleasure is there and their gone what concern have they
got for you? Their seeing you
half naked and they say easy
target here go there finish, bye see you later we’ve got nothing to do
with you, who are you? What? And then he said I went to my daughter I said please, look don’t do this, for Allah’s sake.
She goes, old man you shut your mouth here!
You shut your mouth! Do what I wanna do! And the mother is taking the side of the daughters. Free she said, she’s
all right man she can do what she want’s to do it’s a free country we
live in no doubt it’s a free country, and Alhamdulillah it’s a free country. But
does that mean we suck our Islam off? We sacrifice the teaching of Rasool
Imagine that habr when it gets to Rasool Allah the pain he would feel. In
his ‘qabar’ the turep, Allahu akbar my ummati are doing this, the Ummah is doing this. A beautyful
young girl, from my ummah with respect, has gone out and made shame of herself
and what is the father doing all those years? He said qasam (I swear) by Allah
if I lived in a council house. I would be happy that today my daughters would’ve
saved their izzat (honour). We don’t know
what’s going on that’s the truth,
we don’t know.
There are multitudes of examples, so many which I can tell you and from my own eyes wich
I have seen.
A Very Sad Incident
Reviewed by Unknown
6:03 PM

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